maandag 13 juni 2011

Emma Watson at Vogue

Yeah I'm back again!
This weekend I had camp so now i'm very exhausted because I didn't sleep much.
But after all it was really nice, we had lot's of fun and we had done some nice things.
The first thing I did when I was home was showering and after that I  put my computer on to see the blogposts of this days..
And I also saw that Emma Watson is in the Vogue...
Her photo's are very beautiful and here they are if you didn't see them yet.

And I also love this photo of Emma because this dress is amazing !

3 opmerkingen:

  1. de derde en de laatste foto! i LOVE it <3333

  2. wow zo mooie foto's

    ik wil die vogue!

  3. :D
    oh ja hoe laat ongeveer? heel de dag?
    ben je zenuwachtig?!

    dan ben je echt klaar! heerlijk... ben jaloers


Dankje wel voor je reactie!!