woensdag 27 juli 2011

Holiday and the best one of the year......

Yeaaah i'm back from my holiday to Spain ( Playa de pals ) and from the Ardeche and Provance (France).
I've been on holiday for 3 weeks and I had a great time!
I've done great things like ... sailing around huge rocks while there where huge waves,karting and kayakking in the Ardeche and I've also seen the colourful fountains at night in Barcelona .....and much much more
I had great weather around the 25/30 degrees in Spain and around the 20/25 degrees in France.
I will share some of my beautifuls photo's on my blog because I really made TO MUCH photo's.

Eating ice-cream yuummm


on the boat trip,making photo's (:

Yeaaah i'm driving really fast!!

Sangria <3

In the touringbus in Barcelona!

at day

at night

Sagrada Família

work of Gaudi

the streets of Barcelona <3

sunrise at 5.45 at the beach

wild goats in the mountains!!

My and my mum at the pont d'Arc
the caves of Madeleine ( Ardeche)

Pont d'Arc
I hope you all have a great vacation,despite the bad weather!

4 opmerkingen:

  1. Aah ik ben jaloers! Het ziet er ook allemaal zo geweldig uit...zeker die laatste foto: wow! :O X

  2. super gave foto's! en ik ben jaloers op jouw camera!

  3. Dat moet een top vakantie zijn geweest, aan de foto''s te zien!
    Liefs, Swaen


Dankje wel voor je reactie!!